Find the answers for our most frequently asked questions below

Do you have any health warranties?

Yes we do!The state requires at least a 20-day guarantee.We can also discuss further options for an extra fee when you adopt one of our animals.

What is Kennel cough? Is it preventable?

Similar to what we call the common cold, it can be either bacterial or viral for pets. It's known as an Upper Respiratory Infection, but even with vaccines it can't be 100% prevented. Just know the signs and alert your Vet as soon as possible.

I'm allergic to pet hair but really want to adopt. Which breeds are best for my situation?

Any breed that doesn't shed are typically best for anyone with allergies. For sogd this would include: Poodles, Shih Tzus, Bichon Frise, and Soft Coated Wheatens. For cats: Balinese, Oriental Shorthair, Javanese, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Sphynx, and Siberian. Since these animals don't shed, they still need regular visits to the groomers.

Are your kittens littered trained?

Yes, we do train all our kitten to use the litters we have on site. However, you will need to do some light training when you get home in order for them to get used to their new living siuation and get their bearings.